Everyone is welcome. Join any time. Enroll below.
The Smartsettle team, along with colleagues and friends, is engaged in a form of Track II Diplomacy focused on a hypothetical Gaza Marshall Plan. Our goal is to explore how the Smartsettle Infinity Collaboration System could be used to facilitate consensus among all stakeholders involved in the rebuilding of Gaza. Over multiple simulations, we will refine our approach until we can demonstrate a realistic process that can be presented to the real decision-makers. If you’re unfamiliar with the broader project or how we’ve categorized stakeholder groups, please follow this link. It will provide more context for the exercise.
For this particular exercise, we’ll focus on how the costs of rebuilding Gaza might be allocated. The various stakeholders have preliminarily agreed on their general financial commitments (see Appendix A). However, one key decision remains unresolved: the exact cost-sharing ratio between the United States and the European Union. This will be the task of the tournament players. Some argue that the U.S. should bear a larger share—potentially up to half of the total cost. These two parties have decided to use Smartsettle ONE* to finalize these details. The negotiations in the tournament are meant to simulate that negotiation process.
Join us in this exciting simulation, which will take place as part of the ongoing International eNegotiation Exhibition. This exercise offers participants hands-on experience with Smartsettle ONE and provides an opportunity to engage with the real-world issues surrounding Gaza’s reconstruction.
Enroll now at the International eNegotiation Exhibition and join the free tournament event.
Complete three learning modules:
Learn the basics of Smartsettle (primarily Smartsettle ONE with a brief introduction to Infinity*).
Choose "Negotiate with the Robot" for more practice (left side menu).
Choose "Negotiate with Humans" to start (left side menu).
Select "Play as EU" or "Play as USA."
If no one else is online, wait for another human or invite a friend.
While waiting, you can also begin another negotiation.
Settle four times, twice in each role, to get a score.
Return as often as you like to play against others and improve your score.
Participate in one or more debriefs when notified.
Participation is open to all and requires only one to two hours of your time spread out over several visits at your own convenience. As you engage, you’ll see your score rise as you learn how collaboration leads to better outcomes!
* Smartsettle ONE is designed for simple negotiations (a single numerical issue between two parties). It's also an excellent introduction to the concepts that are implemented in Smartsettle Infinity for complex problems.
Appendix A
How Gaza rebuilding costs were allocated among the stakeholders
This appendix outlines the preliminary cost allocations among stakeholders, which will serve as the basis for the exercise’s negotiations. Contributions to reconstruction efforts, such as Gaza’s, are typically made based on the economic capacity of stakeholders. We’ve followed this precedent here. For the International organizations (such as the United Nations, European Union, and World Bank) with which a GDP is not relevant, a fixed share—13%—of the total cost has been assigned. This reflects their typical role in facilitating humanitarian aid and peacebuilding efforts. The resulting relative shares allocated to each Stakeholder Group is shown in the following table.
Stakeholder Group | Relative share (parts per 1000) |
Palestinian Leadership | 1 |
Israeli Government | 9 |
Middle Eastern Governments | 60 |
International Organizations | 130 |
United States & European Union | 800 |
TOTAL | 1000 |