The World’s First eNegotiation System with a Neutral Site
At the heart of our business are algorithm-driven engines for collaborative eNegotiation systems. Our products range from Smartsettle ONE to Infinity for decision-makers who want to get better things done more quickly. Smartsettle turns adversaries into collaborators and shows them that conflict is an opportunity for mutual gains.
Smartsettle Resolutions is a showroom for platforms connected to the world’s most powerful completely unbiased secure neutral site. Preference information is communicated via API to the neutral site enabling Smartsettle intelligence to learn how everyone becomes satisfied and motivate them to quickly reach a collaborative outcome.
Smartsettle is for formal negotiations of any shape and size. Single-issue disputes are prime candidates for huge time savings while multivariate negotiations provide the most opportunity for uncovering hidden value. The eventual target application for Smartsettle is multilateral negotiations.
It is possible to melt the impasses around tackling climate change and to pacify warring states. The ultimate prize will be a peaceful and healthy thriving planet in our time.